Interactive Advertising
Design Challenge
Mendocino Farms is looking to bring users to their online website via interactive ads. They are requesting to use a combination of branding materials and a call-to-action message as part of the campaign.
Branding Kit
Landing Page
Advertisement will include a call-to-action message. Once the user clicks the ad, they will be led to the Mendocino Farms online ordering landing page.
Nikki works for a growing AI technology company. Their clients are scattered throughout America. She spends 30% of her time traveling and works in a hybrid environment. Outside of work she is a huge foodie whose Instagram following is gaining traction.
Nikki has been working with a start-up tech company for the past 3 years and finds that it is stable with great benefits.
Nikki's enjoys ordering lunch whenever she is in the office. She stays up to date with up-and-coming AI technology by reading blogs and attending conferences.
Google Ads
728 x 90
300  x 250
300 x 600
Instagram Reel

Keep tracks of likes, comments, saves and shares. Instagram reels also provide analytics on accounts reached, number of plays, and the watch time average of your reels. 

                                                               “Meta reports that up to 675.3 million users 
                                                             can be reached with ads on Instagram Reels"  
Final Thoughts

Adobe XD, Photoshop, Canva

What worked?
• Utilization of call-to-action message.
• Animation makes the ad more dynamic.

What didn’t work?
•Not being able to test ads and gain analytics.

What would I do differently?
•Use less elements within ad. 
• Highlight a seasonal menu item.

Results and Insights
I made interesting animation choices that add movement to the ads. A clear call-to-action message communicates the business has an online ordering platform. I would really like to see how some of the ideas perform in a real campaign. Seeing data would provide another element in the success or failure of the ads. The next steps for this project would be budget approval and market testing. 
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